Tuesday, April 29, 2008

food, or lack there of

umm..so you guys are probably going to have to fatten me up when i get back. let's just leave it at that. i'm not going to feel bad about eating anything after living here.

p.s. last night i paid 20$ for one game of bowling--wtf japan, god


kelly said...

have you just been living off rice and water!? come back and drink lots of beer and eat lots of pizza. hahaha

PracticalSolipsist said...

205? What is it there? Yen? I don't remember. What is that in A-Mer-can?

Alison said...

oh i it's $20 dollars, i guess the dollar sign after it DOES look like a 5

shanti said...

we're going to cook so much delicious food when you get back. there will be nary a baby eel in sight!