Monday, April 21, 2008


I learned how to say "infrared" in Japanese this weekend. Most Japanese phones have infrared communication devices. Oh yes.


PracticalSolipsist said...

Is that similar to blue tooth?

Alison said...

i'm not sure what blue tooth even is?
anyway the way people get their friends phone numbers on their phones here is to line the infrared sensors of the two phones up and send them through there.

PracticalSolipsist said...

Blue Tooth is kind of a mystery to me too. It's like, a way to link your phone to everything wirelessly via a network completely unique to your phone I think. Like it allows you to connect to a wireless headset, a printer for the camera, you're computer to upload files. I don't know. It's weird.

Japanese infared sounds WAY cooler.

cassandreamy said...

WHOA the US needs infrared!!!